Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Summary and results for may

Hi people. Ive come to summarize my first completed month on this blog. I guess it was acceptable but nothing fancy. Was up 3-4k$ most of the month but unfortunatly dropped down to up like 1k$, not much but a lot of projects has to be handed in this month and it was easily the busiest month so far in my first year here. I am btw swedish and study architecture in Madrid btw if someone is interested.

Won 209$ at FLSH and raked 3065$ due to bigger losses the last weeks so unfortunatly my WR didnt keep it its cool +2,5 BB/100 but instead -0,47 BB/100 due to losses at lower limits. Btw, I am glad that I have turned things around on my merge-nick. I kept losing at like -8 BB/100 even thou I was doing allright at all other sites but now I won a bit, normally dont care about stuff like that but it is the only nickname where I use, yeay.

Played a little at a propsite for NLHE and did OK and also a little mixed games. Installed pokeit so I can track my mixed games results so I plan on playing a little more 8game in june. Also watched a few videos and intend to watch a few more.

In june I expect to play pretty little first 2 weeks (maybe 5-8k hands) but then play shitloads after I finish school. It depends on a school project that has to be finished. Also plan to play 3/6$ and 5/10$ mostly so ill have a slow and steady start, might gamble it up a bit more later on in the summer, I believe it will just depends on risky I feel.

Results for may; 

PLO (why cant I sum up zoom and regular PLO in HM2?)
2000ish hands

11719 hands
-0,47 BB/100

NLHE and mixed games
Hard to say but pretty close to breakeven and maybe 900 hands.

Final result

+950$ with rakeback.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Plan on my play, hours, games and blogging

Plan on blogging;
I intend to write 1-3 posts per week, more hands, graphs etc. I think I will report my results until I am up over 100k SEK which is about 14k$ for the year. I am currently (may 2012) 55% towards that limit.
Hopefully I will have time/energy/money to play more mixed games/PLO and that would help me with the blogging since I feel pretty confident in what good FLHE is while learning these games are somewhat of a new world.

The idea is also to share a little of my personal life etc and what I do but most focus is on the poker.

Plan on what games to play
My longterm successful game is fixed limit shorthanded poker. I have been winning at all FLHE but 2-4handed is a lot more swingy then 5-6handed so I tend to go back there if I feel less "gambly".

I do like to continue to play PLO, FL08 and mixed games too but decided that it should be for lower stakes until I get better at it. So far it has been going well but past results in PLO has been worse.

Playing time - how much?
I have been playing around 8-15k hands per month since I started this university. That feels like a good balance between poker and life. Will probably not stray too much from that unless there is holidays.

What stakes to play
I set 80k sek for the year as my limit on play at $10/20 and 35-80k for $5/10 and below. As said above, I am now up 55k for the year. After that I am very happy to stay around $10/20 for a long time.

First post

Hi people

I thought it was time for me to start blogging in a more serious form. There are several advantages with this format over a forum blog, hence the switch. I will read and answer every question you will have (as long as they are serious!) and I truly encourage them.

What do I play?
80% fixed limit shorthanded holdem. 10% pot limit omaha and 5% mixed games and 5% fixed limit omaha hi/lo shorthanded.

About my poker career
I have been playing fixed limit holdem since I was 18 which was awhile ago. Started with fixed limit and bonus whoring, playing really bad at the stakes 0.5/1$ to 3/6$. Got an prop offer with 125% rakeback but with the condition of playing at minimum $5/10 and that is when I started making serious money. Played at mainly $10/20 to $30/60 daily for 3-4 years across different sites with a nice winrate, then I got into 6-9 tabling and autopiloting these shorthanded games, still with a decent winrate but then the autopiloting + personal issues + boredom + playing way too high (up to 100/200$) caused me to play worse and registered a very poor year 2009 after crushing 2008 at 2.9 BB/100 over 300k hands.

This caused me to think about poker in combination with life and made a major restructuring. I played lower, worked my way up with a few bumps and some problems losing most of my winnings lower by playing higher and running bad and now finally in 2012 I am in the prospect of playing higher again with decent winrates and higher stakes again, even thou I intend to move up very slowly.

My biggest obstacles/leaks in poker;

  • Playing less focused (tired)
  • Playing too high when seeing juicy games and 

This has gotten a lot better in the later years and now I believe I have a pretty good balance and both are heavily reduced. I can get into why and how I have reduced this in later posts.

Purpose for this blog
I have always been writing a pokerblog the last 3-4 years but I found some of the post pretty uninspired and a bit boring. The reason why is the feeling I had to post my daily results, my daily grinding results. With this blog, I hope to make every post better but instead of 1 per day I will try to do 1-3 per week.

I also think it is a nice way to reflect on your game, your results and have an outlet for your thoughts. I also thought it would be great to switch up the language to make it readable for everyone outside of Sweden.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Layout test

Testing the layouts.....

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