Sunday, December 29, 2013


Incredible results! +17,6 bb/100 in all in EV, +26,8 bb/10 in actual result :).
Haha title said it all. So I have been running just incredibly crazy since ive returned to europe. I have been playing at a few different network, again, I cannot understand why people keep to one site. I have been playing at around 25c/50c PLO and one of the network is just infested with nits, 90% of the tables have 4-5 nits that have 20k hands+ on while on the other network is just filled with fish! This network was popular like 5+ years ago in Sweden but i havnt heard people grinding there for a very long time. Good for me!

The same thing happened btw in regards to Merge. I kept telling people to harvest the goldmine that was merge like 4 years ago, it was just insane with average table vpip over 55% but then it took like a year until every grinder switched to merge and it became rockheaven. Anyways, my suggestion is to play all sites with around 40-70% cashback, use tablescanner turbo and see what tables are good. If a lot of hhs and stuff like that is important then just do 3-4 days of overall grind, determine what sites are good and use 1-3 of them. It was day and nite this time but even the tightest of sites offers good tables at times, depending on the stakes of course!

Anyways. I havnt played the best poker of my life really but I have won shitloads very very quick. I have just been hit over the head with cards, topsets, multiway all ins-wins and the winrate for the last 5k hands is over 100 bb/100 which obviously is sick :D. Yesterday I came to a 10c/20c table with 20€ and left with 380€. Hehe a large portion of the win though was a shot I took with 133€ at 1/2€ and left with 1910€ :D. I understand that this cannot last and I have to be less overwhelmed over the rungood and the downfall can come quick.

I am about to make a yearly report soon though and I might talk about that in this blog too. 2007-2008 was a great year for me pokerwise but 2009-2012 has been a battle uphill and I learned a lot regards to keeping the stakes low, producing volume, refrain from autopiloting, discipline, life-work-balance etc. That becomes very apparent when you check the different types of stats throughout the years. I am not going to dwell on past years too much but like every year there is something new ive learned. I would though argue that I have a lot of sklansky bucks due to huge amounts of bad luck, especially at higher stakes. Even if I could have had a decent salary keeping myself at $3/6-5/10 then I cannot really regret TOO MUCH taking shots at higher stakes even though some years I lost all of the profit at 50/100$. God, now I am getting too tired of talking. Good thing I just won a welcome amount of cash getting a lot more luckier than average. Now it just remains about 250k$ :D.

I might do something more structured for the yearly report but not sure how much info I want to be public. We will see!

EDIT: Days after writing this I had a similar winning day and just kept crushing :).

Friday, December 6, 2013

Random update, christmas times etc and reviewing live and online poker.

Yo! Whats up? November recently finished and it started out pretty well but then ended up with a losing month. I won 300$ online but lost like 1100$ live. That stuff just happens, I guess I am kinda happy that I won in PLO but also the fact that I have won 4 months in a row in regards to online. Going back to Europe on the 20th and returning on the 6th january so after christmas I will likely grind quite a lot. Hope to do well, gonna start with 2/4$ and PLO25$ a little, or perhaps nothing actually, depending on the action.

I often mention that I keep kinda detailed stats, I love the new HM2-sync feature. Anyways, I win every year online but the opposite is true for live, ive lost the last 4 years in a row. I dont take it as a sign, or I kinda do in some ways. I play like 5-20 nights per year and u know, its very few hands an hour. So if I average 10 nights at 8 hours play with 15 hands per hour then I would have played 4800 hands live last 4 years. I  also tend to play a lot higher then I have played like would online. I kinda motivated playing live to myself that it was fun and I could read but I realize now that both is kinda wrong. Its only fun when u win or if it is a chatty table and 90% its neither and there is very little effective reading going on, these 3-4 second spurs of folding ur cards, grabbing them etc distracts at least me kind of a lot. Decided now that I wont play any live till I earn some more cash that I can "splash around" with. And with like, money to lose, I set the limit at like 20/40$ FLSH or so. We will see!

Checked some year stats but gonna do a review of all that when I have christmas vacation and the year actually have ended. Might publish it, might not. Won a pretty nice 18 bb/100 the last 10k hands on PLO but then realized that I lost like 40 BB/100 the 10k hands before that so.. yeah. Nevermind. ttyl!
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