Saturday, August 15, 2015

Poker is a swingy game!

Yesterday I did a monster session and at first I was losing a bunch but then in the end of a 6h session I ended up with a nice win! (click on the image for a zoom)

There was a semi-high fixed limit table going that was just TOO fishy and I reminded myself just to not be a showdownmonkey like before and played just that one table. I was down €300 on that table just pounding and pounding on a guy that binked a lot, we got 8 bets in on the flop K65 with him having 74o and me having Kx something. I kinda slowed down during the hand after that flop but it was standard for him doing that. Good thing I turned it around and went +353€ on that table.

The day before was pretty damn terrible with running insanely bad on 8game mix, a bit unnecessary for me. I find it fun to play so I wouldn't mind sticking to almost nano-stakes but instead I decided to go 4/8$ and I got massacred. Ohh right, I already posted that video.

So I lost big, then won big yesterday and today I just got massacred again today running just insanely bad. There is this tight reg that got it in very very bad vs me in 3 huge pots with less than 30% on the flop and sucked out every time so that was like 300€ right there. Then it just continued and continued so today I played 892 hands and lost 938$ and -163 BB/100 which is always fun....

Anyways, most of that cash I dont mind the play really. I thought Id check on the stats for PLO again. So im playing on several sites, two which does not support all in EV so im gonna do 2 graphs.

I think I have ran pretty terrible at the swedish svenska spel losing 7,6 BB/100 and losing so many flips (it doesnt support all in EV) so overall im tempted continuing the grind but tonight and perhaps tomorrow I will take a poker break.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Downdipping + a mixed games video!!!

Good news first; I made a 8game mix + triple draw video. Basically in this video I get in a lot of bad spots and lose a bunch but I still wasnt sure what to do in the spots so I thought it would be educational. Not sure if it is true but I believe people are posting videos where they play good to maintain a sort of pride or whatever. I have no pride and prefer to do the opposite as in my player tendency as a fixed limit player I believe my biggest overall leaks tend to border on the paying off too much in different spots. Im also started another video in PLO where I started with hands, big hands that I lost a lot in that I will probably finish soon too, kinda with the same logic. Obviously there are more to ones game than that but I think its a big part of my "leakage".

So here is that one! Please post comments, I was playing really uncomfortably so I bet it doesnt look that good.

Anyways, so I guess I posted the bad news already. I kinda went from winning 2k€ in august to now today im down for the month. I do believe I have run pretty horribly at PLO on one site id play the most and yet im up 970$ on plo for the month with 350$ ev on top of that. I feel motivated to play PLO so I think I will do that exclusively starting now. I dont really mind at all playing 8game or fixed but dont think its good for me to "dillute" my play when 8game is so new for me and fixed doesnt feel too exciting. I ran sick the other day in PLO zoom btw and won a BUNCH but thats just not a profitable game given the rake and the tight nature of the tables. That was kinda just to kill some time.

Ill play only 2h tomorrow then continue with the full grind on sat + sun doing at least 6h per day. Might go to our summerhouse tomorrow which takes 1,5h, perfect time for some run it once-PLO-videos!!

PS: I am thankful for pokerstars for honoring a deal we had somewhat loosely regarding vip-levels that was given to me today. I still do feel that people play on pokerstars unwisely (people playing up to 1/2$ plo/NL) given the insane rake online poker players pay but at least pokerstars are honest and upfront about it and also is relieable. This is a huge contrast to Partypoker that should die in hell. Also some regards 888 but to a lesser extent.

Some stats for the month:
PLOhands with sites that support a correct all in BB/100= 3325 hands. Ev bb/100= 34,5, ev adjusted= +1214$
PLOhands total (mostly on a site that muck opponents cards)= 11524, net won= 970$, actual bb/100 = 5,18.

Obviously thats the stats that I choose to motivate myself that grinding is fun :).

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

FLSH is swiiiiiingy

Yoyo! Just finished a 2-3h session playing mostly mixed games and flsh and I lost shitloads in FLSH, like 800€ at 2/4€ and 3/6€ which is pretty sick but looking at my stats then I was a freaking showdown monkey and could probably have cut back on that loss. I was stupid enough to install a piece of software that was kinda fishy and a first warning light blinked in my head as it tried to install like 4 spyware shit and then when I tried to cancel it was already too late. I then thought I might do a system restore or something and when I did that it said that some vutek remote access + something else was installed and I thought Id just format the computer and reinstall all the shizzle. Thats what I did today!

I have some few things left to fix but 95% is done and I am to rethink how I should approach my play. So basically I have won like 600€ on flsh and plo separetly in a short time + a little in mixed games but im not sure what to play. The FLSH is not the most exciting thing for me and perhaps today was a testimen to me putting my energy on mixed games while fucking clicking buttons on FLSH and perhaps I dont have any edge when I am like that. Can I refocus or should I just do PLO and mixed for now? Perhaps! Or perhaps just limit the amount of tables I play and the hours.

I think I decided to NEVER do more than 4 tables and just accepted being somewhat board a bunch of the session and just get in like 5-6 hours per day. Because sessions like these make me want to play a lot less, so much money in so short time.

Anyways, im re-importing hhs into this newly formatted computer as we speak, hope it will cover 100% of the hands from before so the graph could be correct for the month.

So basically I am only up 500€ in august after 38h played so thats like 12€/h. Thats not too sexy but whatever, im totally fine with that. I always say I will post more hhs etc but lets see if that happens. Got some other deals now with RB so I hope I will continue winning but add 6-7 BB/100 extra in rakeback.

PS: It looks like it tracked the right hands so here is the graph for PLO in BBs and in euro

Here is FLSH

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Started the real grind - Decent start!

Yo bloggeruuuu! Now im in pokergrind mode! As I played like 50k hands during the last 2 years, there is great uncertainty regarding my ability to win etc. I kinda assumed there would be some fixed limit games I could grind out with a bankroll boost meaning I could play perhaps up to 10/20$ which helps with table selection but na ah, games are pretty dead even if they sprout up here and there. I guess I could grind those and try improving my PLO during. Preferably I dont want to mix games too much but I guess I kinda have to.

Run it once = the nuts atm

I signed up for runitonce again, I am really happy with it so far, so many pros, a lot of videos. I have tried iveypoker which was pretty horrible, then cardrunners were good but this year has been so horrible, almost no PLO-videos in a year and no new mixed games. Wtf!?  Anyways, I try to watch a 1-3 videos a day as a sort of break and take notes. So far so good!

Running good! -Then dipping a little

August started really well with 5 winning days straight with pretty decent profit of 1600 at the peak, I was happy! I was winning in PLO, fixed and 8game. Then now today I just lost 700€ in 2h losing 41 bb/100 which sucked. Most was FLHE losing every hand (maybe too showdowny) but also like 200€ on PLO but I am very happy with that since I got it in very very good and kinda assumed I lost 500-600€. I then mustered up another 2h and reduced the loss to like 450€ which is pretty much what I won the day before. I am not counting earnings with any vip-bonuses since pokerstars vip system is basically shit but I guess I made like 100$ in cashback.

Anyways, its nice with a reality check and decide what the f to do. I have been playing on sites without rakeback which is kinda retarded but not sure if my old deals at other sites still apply. Played 11k hands and raked away 1002$, getting 500$ would have been a nice addition. So im fixing that this week. I have also been playing a bunch of different stakes etc and I should stick to one, its fun to go up when u are winning but then you remind yourself how much it hurts when you have a bad day.

All games in august..

Today when I am finishing this blogpost I lost further 400€ mostly at running insanely bad at FLSH even though I sense my rustyness. I am trying to decide on if I should permanently switch to HM1 instead of HM2 because the freaking hud is SO much smoother in HM1, I find the 1-2 sec extra loading time and flakyness frustrating but not sure if it motivates a change.

Anyways, I will take 1-2 days off now and start again on monday with some study of the game, I basicalyl just been playing. Even though there was a dip last 2 days im still kinda excited that I won 800€ in a week being so rusty. That hourly translates to about 25€/h without any rakeback (32,8h played) , not too impressive but ok for me atm. It was fun that all 3 gamestypes played (plo, flhe and mixed games) were winning ones even though its not a large samplesize. I guess the only question one should ask themselves is whether or not they play better than their opponents and I believe I do since I tend to play mostly in good games and avoid regs.

I have an excel where I try to write the amount of hours + daily results and doing that just now kinda reminds me on how little I want to play when I am losing and also how big the swings are so I just mentally decided to step down at even smaller stakes so I dont loose a mental negative threshold and just decided that I do not feel like playing anymore. Todays 400€ isnt much too much money but losing that in 90 min was enough to make me feel a little tired of poker and not wanting to grind 5h more for the day, which is not good!

One thing I recommend btw is having a piece of paper beside you with some mental notes. I added MAX STAKES for each game the other day, I might even revise that now.
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