24rd march 2014: The quarter is over and all the sleep deprivation, anxiety and stress as well as my recent flu have almost left my body. Yesterday was the last presentation and I pulled up 4 tables when it was all over. I quickly noted that my focus wasnt there and decided to rest, watch some tvshows and come back tomorrow.
With the limited action available to me here, I am gonna go against my wishes and play both FLSH and PLO at the same time. FLSH I can autopilot pretty well while my B-game in PLO is a bit worse. I played a lot during christmas back home in Sweden and had the best month in like 3 years but I took out 85% of those winnings and since then, I have lost about 3k$ in like 10k hands. That means that I am inclined to play lower and so I have been playing at 0.5/1 SEK (equiv 8c/16c) with perhaps some 1/2 SEK mixed in. Good enough for me, I played xx hands, hit a few hands and played vs some fish that paid me off handsomely. Up 200ish$ after 95 min play!
Im gonna try to mark more hands and also use slice for EV-calculations. Perhaps I should be even more serious and create flashcards? In PLO I often call a bit too much, especially vs shortstacks, especially on paired boards with some sort of shitty draw + overpair or whatever. I should be able to calculate situations like that a lot better, the other day I made a call that I calculated was like 15 BB EV. It was something along the lines of me 4betting vs a utg raise, a min3bet with AA, flop came like 733 and UTG shoved. I kinda reasoned that a 3x would be kinda unlikely with a utg-raise/call but then that was just a stupid argument since the guy was like a 60/40 and thus have a lot more 3s then most players. Anyways, I dont remember the stack/betsizes but I just wanted to illustrate a situation were I loose money.
Anyways, gonna be active with posting hands etc these following days, I go to Hawaii on the 26th and I will play 8ish hours per day until that and perhaps some over there too.
So I have had 3 proper grinding-days now during spring break and tomorrow I guess will be the last one.
21 mar | +403 USD | 1500ish hands
22 mar | -300 USD | 1000ish hands
23 mar | +140 USD | 1746 hands
WR= 35,3 bb/100 IE 17,65ptBB/100
Here is a hand I played kinda shitty. The thought was that very few combos of 34x would call a 3bet pre, then even less would call the flop and then even less existed because of my blockers. I also thought it would be kinda unsual for any AQ to play that way and that he wouldnt put me on 34 either. I guess though that a lot of regs would play any set that way which didnt cross my mind.Boss, $1/$2 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 4 PlayersPoker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.
BTN: $501.19 (250.6 bb)Hero (SB): $377.13 (188.6 bb)BB: $896.03 (448 bb)CO: $447.62 (223.8 bb)
Preflop: Hero is SB with K
Flop: ($56) 5
Turn: ($140) 2
River: ($802.26) 6
Results: $802.26 pot ($15 rake)Final Board: 5
_____________Today I was kinda proud of winning an okay amount given I lost KKxx vs J8sxx straightflush KQT99 for 150$ and then the same scenario with nutflush (no paired board) vs a gutshot straightflush. I am pretty sure though I actually did a revenge on this hand
Boss, $1/$2 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 5 PlayersPoker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.
BB: $407.21 (203.6 bb)MP: $216.19 (108.1 bb)CO: $384.50 (192.3 bb)Hero (BTN): $466.33 (233.2 bb)SB: $377.33 (188.7 bb)
Preflop: Hero is BTN with 7
Flop: ($72) 6
Turn: ($144) 7
River: ($306) 3
Results: $779 pot ($15 rake)Final Board: 6
CO: $345.19 (172.6 bb)BTN: $588.36 (294.2 bb)SB: $468.66 (234.3 bb)BB: $98 (49 bb)Hero (MP): $1,063.56 (531.8 bb)
Preflop: Hero is MP with 8
Flop: ($172.50) 3
Turn: ($372.50) 7
River: ($946.32) 8
Results: $946.32 pot ($15 rake)Final Board: 3
Anyways, sorry to post strategically uninteresting hands but I tried to stay awake and mark out something interesting but didnt find anything really.Tomorrow I hope to surpass 2k hands. Im trying to figure out a good schedule for me in regards to grinding omaha and staying focused. In FLSH I had it kinda nailed down but its in my backbone and I rarely play shitty and if I do, normally the mistakes doesnt cost me too much. In PLO or any big bet game of course a big pot played bad could cost like 10k of good play as makeup. I kinda want to play 8-9 solid hours 5 days per week but if I take too many breaks then obviously that will turn out taking like 15 hours and nothing else could be done that day, perhaps thats fine? I dunno, I think 4 hours 10:30-15 and then 22-02:30 would be kinda optimal.What I am trying to work on now is to think about my timing especially in regards to regs since I feel some have abused me. I sometimes found myself autochecking rivers waaay too fast and often give off that I have given up on the pot. I hope to get some nice hands tomorrow. Either way, I plan on putting in 5h every week during this quarter so hope to find something different to write about. So, one grinding day left!
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