FAQ - All sorts of questions answered

1. What is your nickname/s?
I have choosen to share my nicknames during some periods of my "poker career" before. It has its advantages but I really prefer anonymity. The main reason is that it has previously caused problems. I will probably never reveal any sort of nicknames unless there I take on a backer or whatever.

2. What do you play/In what games lies your edge?
Poker is all about relative edge. I believe a lot of people forget about that, especially when it comes to mixed games etc. It is a lot better to be an average mixed game player then a decent no limit holdem player these days, you will have a lot higher edge even thou your skill is lower.

With this long explenation, I believe this is the two lists of skill level and edge

1. Fixed limit holdem
2. Mixed games
3. PLO
4. NL hold'em (probably loser in most games online, not so live)

1. Fixed limit holdem
2. NL hold'em
3. PLO
4. Mixed games

3. How many hands do you play per month?
For 5-6 years, I have averaged pretty close to 30-45k hands per month. Since second half of 2011, I have taken school a bit more seriously and play between 8-15k hands per month.

4. Can you help me with HM2/Placemint/etc?
I used to spend a lot of time helping people to setup HM2, placemint etc but I only play 1/3 of the volume I used to and I have gotten a little sick of support-issues now, (especially since I don't get paid, lol!). Please check the supportforums for each software, they are always great.

5. I want to learn fixed limit holdem. Do you have any suggestions of videos to watch, books to read etc?
Yes and no. If you know swedish then you can look at my video at pokerstrategy.com but if not then I would go with a multitude of coaches that still plays (dont look at the too old ones, they are a bit outdated) if they are winners. The absolute best ones I have seen is MisterBunny (cardrunners) which played a lot and have a great winrate as well as great videos but one of the problem with that is that he mainly talks about unusual hands while for example, p12resh at cardrunners plays well (but I disagree with his play sometimes) and has more of a live sessions-type-videos but he goes for quantity over quality which is both good and bad. I think a mix is good.

6. Have you played any NLHE?
Yes, tons actually, or at least more then 100k hands. I used to have a rule that I would only sit at tables with average vpip of 33% or more (filtered for 6handed) but that is more or less a dream now in todays game. It is simply way to nitty/boring for me to play NLHE online, I do play it live however but I usually leave if the table is tight too. Dont enjoy playing 25% vpip or less, hehe.

7. Are you a rakeback pro?
No I am not. Unfortunatly, fixed limit is extremly harshly raked in comparison to big bet games (due to the looseness and the "showdownboundity" of the game) and unfortunatly the pokersites has not adjusted well to that. This means we rake around 2-3x the times the amount then what someone that would play the equivalent stakes in no limit holdem would do. This causes every FL-players winrate (except HU-players) to drop to a maximum of 1.5 BB/100 or so sustainably (some say even that is unsustainable) which makes rakeback important. With that said, I am generally happy with my winrate but to bigbet-players then  maybe 0.5-1 BB/100 does not sound so great, and they do not really how much we are getting raked. I hope to stay around 0.5-1 BB/100 really if I stay at 6max and dont play more FLHU.

8. What stakes in NL is equivalent to FL?
An easy thing to do is for a NL 1/2$-player to go and try FL 1/2$ and think it is so boring because every bet does not count. Well, that is because it is not how you should go about thinking about it. FL is played 4-5x higher then the blinds in NL so 1/2$ would mean around 4/8 to 5/10$ FL SH. Then every bet counts and it because fun again, it is the same idea that it is boring for a NL 1/2$-player to go down and play 0.2/0.4.

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