I mentally retired from poker, instead of these swings I would so much prefer to get a job, having people to talk to at work and learn something new and right now until I finish my current degree in 3 years, I dont mind getting 3-4k$/month (without any swings :D), thats enough for me. I started the withdrawalprocess and registered on a few sites/companies that lets you work 2weeks there, 2 weeks there for people generally without education. I do however have education but after reading ads etc and job descriptions I just felt a bit grim and unattractive. I sent out 3-4 online applications and its just been 2-3 days but I dunno, it kinda dawned upon me that the job world is a lot more difficult. So it made me rethink on poker again.
I left a small sum online and I switched to a new game and so far it has gone well! I am up 700$ atm after losing 400$ yesterday but I wasnt playing that great. I hope that will work well and poker is almost fun again, changing games is cool!
Mentally switch perspective from a job to a slightly profitable recreation.
But I move to Spain soon and what happens to poker then? This game is not played, I can only play NLHE, FLHE and PLO in Spain. I did some calculations and it is not realistic that I will sustain a decent hourly at any game without tapping into saving to refund the BR, and I think I am not prepared to do that. What I think I will do is that I will leave 500e online, play 5c/10c on a 50 buyin-br around 6h per week. If I loose that then its game over. That would prob give me an hourly of laaame 10$/h which is just terrible and like 8 out of the 9 years ive played I had the mindset that I wouldnt play a hand of poker if I didnt win anything from $100 down to $30 depending on my success level. I guess what changed my mind was the fact that I find it quite relaxing (and stressful at the same time!) firing up a few table. Also, if I just put the 6h/week at these low stakes the loosing days would not be mentally straining, I dont have to break the mental barrier of reaching into previous years winnings, poker wouldnt take over my life, I wouldnt have to take long breaks because loosing thousands of dollars set me in a bad mood= better more consistent volume but also it would mean that I can very realistically play 10c/25c within one year and then the hourly would be pretty good actually. So I think I am not quitting, at least not until I lose my 500. If I lose that then a break would probably be good, I really do think putting this much time into poker have deterred me from investing time and energy into other cool things and who knows, if I had this kind of shitty streak 2-3 years a bit back and more actively pursued other things, I could have made a lot more than I did these 2-3 years in poker. Okay, I am getting a bit longwinded. Ciao
PS: Btw, I would like to say that I truly believe I could sell some stocks, put a couple of thousand dollars into FLHE 2/4 to 5/10 and grind away for a pretty good hourly but after playing very little this year and having the first loosing year ever, I have become much much much more riskaverse. Another factor obviously is that I can only do that 3 months per year, if I was in Sweden or which ever country I could grind with good rakeback on, I might think differently.