Friday, March 29, 2013
Another good PLO-day!
Another good but relatively short pokerday, I am just flabbergasted by my luck, I am very well that it cannot continue like this but it feels great to have 2 great days. Obviously there is a lot of retards at PLO10€ that got it in with 0% eq at times but I have fortunate in some cool spots, won a 5way all in pre with TJKQ and my hand held up 3ways all in deep with me having like Q5T9 with a flushdraw on Q5J and when the board paired a J with me missing all I thought I was dead but no, it "held", just stuff like that.
So, up 26 + 31 buyins or actually, should probably divide that by 1,33 so still a neat 43 buyins in two days. Again, obv dont expect it to continue but it feels great that I have been able to make a decent hourly at such microscopic stakes. Roll is at very low 1370$ (buhu) (have around 5k$ i want to cash out at higher viplevels) so I think Ill continue up to 2k$ with the current stakes and then perhaps mix in some higher stakes but do that gradually. Or ill just lose 60 buyins in one day and decide I hate PLO again :D.
The easter break is btw almost over. I do expect the first 2 weeks in the new trimester to be pretty soft though since a lot of people more or less takes two weeks off and the teachers adjust to that so the real start will likely occur later on. Hope to get some decent volume in.
EDIT: Updated the monthly stats.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Holiday = grind + A video (in swedish)
Hey guys. How have you been? Have been wrapping up the term, just finished and had some trouble with some strange teachers that just seemed to set grades on work on random (very inconsequent) and was completly depleted mentally and physically but now I have rested a bunch, doing absolutly nothing for 38h, then went out for dinner and drinks yesterday and been chillaxing today and am ready for some heavy grind, I expected to put in 4 hours per day this week since I have holidays, woho!
This feb+march has probably been the period of time in like 2-3 years that I have been least focused while playing. Not that I dont think ive been +EV, I have, but before I have had a very stable and high quality play on most of my bad runs. Probably played well 60% and halfunfocused the 40% remaining.
Anyways, I hope to change that with some decent volume. Gonna try to play some PLO and perhaps put some videos online but we will see. Would be nice with a strong week to give me some motivation to continue with playing, last 2-3 months usually meant login in, playing 2 hours and have a won at sd of 40%ish and just getting butchered which is not very motivating. I actually had a session of HEADSUP FIXED LIMIT with it taking 118 hands for me to win my first showdown. And he was not even very aggressive, and I wasnt supertight either. Anyways, so I hope to get some volume in, playing most nights and perhaps try to play some very lowstakes PLO when there is not so much FLSH running. Its very possible that I ditch PLO too but it feels like I should give it another attempt to break the current pattern.
Won 197$ first session actually, playing FLSH.
EDIT: Haha oh yes. 200 hands of PLO25€. Down 300$, 197$ under all in EV. Perfect.Gotta love it.
DId a video playing 3-4tables of FLSH and actually did good. Was in a talking mood so I think the video is allright, its probably like 60% random talk about poker lately and 40% strategy. It is rendering now so ill post the link as soon as it is uploaded.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Video with 4tabling FLSH
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Results so far in march |
Yoyo. Been studying and our internet has been so shitty, its not even funny. Felt that getting disconnected 3-4 times per hour is very detrimental to my winrate and also my mindset (I am a calm kind person but NOTHING tilts me as bad as getting disconnected with topset and see the chips pushed to my opponent when internet returns) so I havnt been in the mood for playing. Been thinking about whether or not I should take a break until I live somewhere with better internet connection. Also thought about renting a 3,5g-modem but I think ive found my solution! And it was there all the time and also quite obvious, using my phone as a wifi-hotspot while playing. I am playing right now, been playing 4-5 hours and so far (knock on wood) it has been flawless and doesnt need to worry that a roommate streams, dropboxes or whatever.
OBS; Actually, I today tried to put my computer on the other part of the desk, not on the "high-side" against the wall and my internet switched from 2-3 staples to 5, haha. And now I have two screens which was nicer then I thought. Problem solved!
Btw, also recorded a video and put down here below but I would say that the commentary and play in it was of a lower caliber, watch it if you'd like.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Spain and italian player pool combinatioN!?!?!?!?
"Enrique Alejo, Director of Spanish online gaming regulator the DGOJ, is “quite confident” that the online poker player pools in Spain and Italy will combine by the end of the year."From article by pokerfuse
I mean, wow. That would just be amazing. Would make sense too since pokerstars has the only player pool and often it is not sufficient to run a lot of games.
I have been running a bit better last few days, not playing supermuch but won like 5 out of 6 days which is a nice change. Been a bit distracted with my new computer and the possilibity of playing computer games but I am pretty determined in bumping up my volume for march so ill get in over 10k hands at least, aiming for like 15k hands. Blocked myself from PLO (not that I played nor lost much in feb) since I am just running awful and its too swingy for me atm (fired up a table, second hand i got it in with QQxx topset on QT2 vs AAKx on flop and obv rivered a J which reminded me about the nature of PLO.
Restructured also my monthly report from (thanks google docs!) in order to get a more detailed view and also tried to streamline my reporting system so I could easier see like, how much Ive won/lost in FLSH, PLO, mixed games etc. After a few years of reporting I notice how important it is to label and explain your categories well. For example, I had one cell that were supposed to show "Earnings in USD". That for me would mean winnings/losses + whatever amount of rakeback I got. At the starting time, I got like 125% as a prop, then later I played mostly on sites with 60% and some with lower calculating with an average of 50% RB. Then I added these columns where I put in how much rake I have done with sites with 30% rb and then 60% rb to get a pretty accurate number. And now I play half at maybe around 30% cashback and half without any rakeback due to spanish online poker legislation. All these changes in RB makes a uniform "earning"-cell very hard, especially since I am not sure how I calculated these if the formulas are missing. Add in currency exchange-fluctuations etc and it becomes even more confusing and hard to compare. Anyways, what I did now was a more streamline thing with the focus on using the HM2-rakeback but that would make it important to 1) add the correct rakeback and aliases and 2) do a monthly reporting since importing/exporting HHs makes a lot of hhs go away. I just did a gigant important from the other computer which I played on last 6 months and it only showed about 75% of the hands, frustrating as hell.
Well, all the reporting-stuff isnt really neccessary anymore with my volume but I still enjoy being organized. Talking about organization, I must recommend microsoft onenote which is so freaking amazing if you study or want to take continuos notes. Thought it was gonna be hard transfering over my school/poker notes from the old computer but it was the easiest thing ever and I also was able to divide my notebooks into folder, adding descriptions which makes me even more organized.
Talking about organization, get sugarsync! I just restructured that as well, putting all these small programs, documents etc that I use frequently (placemint, timer gadget, tray-it, allsnap) into one single folder so I dont have to download them each individually everything I format. Also noticed that with the sugarsync 2.0 it is even easier to organize and clean your space. You can look at the "cloud only"-folder and see the filesizes and filenames like an external harddrive and it only starts to download it if you are making edits (like copy/paste etc). I now have 10,5 gb free and if you want 5 gb + 500 mb extra via this link for free, then please click it!
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