Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Vacation-time and runbad + Ipad won
Been running TERRIBLY lately. Last day I played I got it in pretty awesomely in the biggest pot in a long long long time for me. Around 1900$ all in on turn with Ax33 on K853 with nutflushdraw vs 96xx and a lower flushdraw and he hit it. This month I have been playing on 2 different computers. One with HM1 and one with HM2 and I must say I prefer HM1 with the HUD being a lot more stable as well as the popups.
According to the one Ive played the most at then I have played 3378 hands of PLO and lost 773$. I also have played 1194 hands of FL08 and lost another 945$ there. THat game has been sick btw. Been playing with a moron that have ran like god and pumping up a lot of pots in retarded spots that he lucked out on. Like just recently he capped T37 with a J37x and I had A2Tx with nutflushdraw and he turned a jack and bricked out all for a scoop and other hands I cannot remember.
FLHE thou has been great. I thought it was worse but apparenetly I have won 557$ over 11951 hands and won 0.64 BB/100. Rake of 3022$ which is pretty nice.
Anyways, I lost like 2k$ extra last week and am a bit tired of poker. This is great timing thou since I am leaving tomorrow for vacation. Might play a little but hopefully not too much. When I return I will just keep on grinding FLHE. It sucks that the action has decreased so much but I think I will deposit at more sites and just try to be content of playing even as low as 1/2$ even thou it sucks pretty hard.
Right now I am only up 600$ for the month but lost like 450$ live the other day so unfortunatly the 9 month winning streak has been followed up by a losing month and then by another real weak result :(.
Ohh btw! What is kinda cool is that I won an ipad 3 from pokerstars the other day. They had a 100k+ 100 ipad 3 freeroll for mobile clients that played 100 VPPs during a certain period and I finished top 100. I read about that I can choose cash (600$) but then I asked them what kind of version of ipad it was and apparently it is not the cheap wifi-only one but they actually did the full 64 gb + 4G-version. So it went from an easy decision of taking the money (since the cheapest version cost almost exactly 600$) to a painful -EV if I took the cash (the retail price is like 1050$ here) so now I guess Ill have two brand new tablets, haha. I do, however, hope to sell the ipad to someone. I am quite happy with my HTC Flyer (7") and one tablet is enough for me.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Slow, nitty cake and evolution of the blindwars.
Tssup!? Personally, I am feeling a bit blue and I keep running slightly bad. Nothing awful like losing big pots, just that I hit extremly poorly in a lot of marginal spots and just have to check/fold and keep folding folding folding. And if you know me then I dont like to fold!!
Played a bunch of hours yesterday and was up like 200-400$ 4-5 hours in and the last 45 minutes I played the worst poker in my life at PLO and made 3-4 really bad shoves/calls and lost it all + 400$ more. Didnt run so hot but made some awful decisions and probably cost like 400$ of EV or something.
Pretty frustrating as I said, especially on the cake or revolution gaming network as it is called now. Btw, that network is sooooooo bad now after Lock joined. The amount of grinders has increased by 20x and before there were definetly fish readily available but all fish are now just semi-fish and there is MAXIMUM 1 per table. Played like 4 PLO-tables of 0.25/0.5 yesterday and everyone at every table was supernitty. This is usually only true at these stakes for pokerstars... Anyways, played in a few games there still but might just quit that site. Been running bad but the regs there is a bit frustrating, especially when (as I said) I have been getting pretty spared on hitting any sort of flops. Like today and yesterday. Lost like 700$ at 4/8 and it was just a bunch of expensive blind vs blind-situation and I played like 300 hands and got like 5 pairs overall in this time. Veeery dry hits.
Btw, talking about dry hits and playing vs regs. I remember the time at FLSH when people usually openraised SB 90-100% of the time because people were folding a lot and played bad in general. This is not true anymore. In fact, it is usually suicide to do so since most decent BBs realize this and just 3bet shitloads and it is very hard to penalize. This does introduce some future "new" concepts. Not only 4betting a bunch lighter but also you have to start thinking about check/raising more flops and turns as a bluff. I am probably struggling in this, trying to find a good balance but I might not be doing allright here. Midstakes blind vs blind is a very high raked game so right now, I am trying just to take a somewhat tight line and dnot get into the weirdests metagame-wars.
Been playing a bit of PLO also. Been doing allright actually, except last night thou. It could be very mundane thou, I do not enjoy it as much as FLSH but it is probably still the way to go for me. Normally the games are pretty decent but yesterday (friday night) was so dead, very few games running at FLSH and if friday nights/evenings are not that great then the future of FLSH is perhaps even paler then I first thought.
Played a bunch of hours yesterday and was up like 200-400$ 4-5 hours in and the last 45 minutes I played the worst poker in my life at PLO and made 3-4 really bad shoves/calls and lost it all + 400$ more. Didnt run so hot but made some awful decisions and probably cost like 400$ of EV or something.
Pretty frustrating as I said, especially on the cake or revolution gaming network as it is called now. Btw, that network is sooooooo bad now after Lock joined. The amount of grinders has increased by 20x and before there were definetly fish readily available but all fish are now just semi-fish and there is MAXIMUM 1 per table. Played like 4 PLO-tables of 0.25/0.5 yesterday and everyone at every table was supernitty. This is usually only true at these stakes for pokerstars... Anyways, played in a few games there still but might just quit that site. Been running bad but the regs there is a bit frustrating, especially when (as I said) I have been getting pretty spared on hitting any sort of flops. Like today and yesterday. Lost like 700$ at 4/8 and it was just a bunch of expensive blind vs blind-situation and I played like 300 hands and got like 5 pairs overall in this time. Veeery dry hits.
Btw, talking about dry hits and playing vs regs. I remember the time at FLSH when people usually openraised SB 90-100% of the time because people were folding a lot and played bad in general. This is not true anymore. In fact, it is usually suicide to do so since most decent BBs realize this and just 3bet shitloads and it is very hard to penalize. This does introduce some future "new" concepts. Not only 4betting a bunch lighter but also you have to start thinking about check/raising more flops and turns as a bluff. I am probably struggling in this, trying to find a good balance but I might not be doing allright here. Midstakes blind vs blind is a very high raked game so right now, I am trying just to take a somewhat tight line and dnot get into the weirdests metagame-wars.
Been playing a bit of PLO also. Been doing allright actually, except last night thou. It could be very mundane thou, I do not enjoy it as much as FLSH but it is probably still the way to go for me. Normally the games are pretty decent but yesterday (friday night) was so dead, very few games running at FLSH and if friday nights/evenings are not that great then the future of FLSH is perhaps even paler then I first thought.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Yeay! Recovery of 2k$ and a omaha hi/lo-hand
This past weekend was great pokerwise. Went out on thursday but decided to stay in the rest and put in a bunch of hours. On friday I won a pretty nice 1k$+ after a big marathon session (over 5h straight) and then on saturday I won another 900$ and raked shitloads too. I been learning a bit of stud hi/lo and I jumped into a game and was up 800$ pretty quickly. Even thou I am not great, watching 3-4 hours of videos helped me see peoples mistakes and I believe I was +EV in that game. Was a guy constantly raising a 9 early and some other stuff that did not make sense. Also played a regular which apparently was a 2time sunday million winner and he made a ridicolous play vs me and then a nitty russian ran like god and I did not. Ended up dusting that 1k$ away. I am probably WAAAY to showdownbound in stud8 always giving myself more reasons why he should be bluffing then why he got it.
Would love to share some hands actually, been using PokeIt for the mixed games but apparently I have set the wrong folder and none of my hands been saved. I hope this is my fault with a setting-thing but I would like to play mixed games more and use pokeit to analyze and replay more hands.
Btw, talking about mixed games. according to HM1 I am up a bit over a grand but this month I am down 700$. The hands there where not tracked are the mixed games so perhaps I am down more then I think. Or it could be the other computer, not sure.
Here was a hand of omaha hi/lo I played yesterday, very poorly so unfortunatly.I cant really claim to have all the answers in most spots like I believe i have in 99% of all fixed limit holdem-spots but even I agree this is shit and I would just like to explain why. So please disagree with me here. Btw, I am saying a lot of semi-obvious things so this is probably not so interesting for the experts of the game.
So first up the CO raises and gets 3bet by a very aggressiv button. SB caps and I am faced with a decision. Given that I am the BB, I obviously am a bit priced in to call but the hand itself is not all to great.. Middlecards are the worst in o8 since the fact is that if you get the nuthigh there is basically always a low available and in this case with 4 players my 54 is pretty much useless for low. I do call however and we can see that I have 18% eq off position in this case.
Flop comes what appear to be an acceptable flop for us. The flushdraw sucks but none of our opponents are likely to have any combinations of 86o given the preflop action. None/few great hands contains 86 if perhaps not A286 which may or may not 3bet. Note that we cannot really disregard it completly either, stranger things have happen but anyways, we would be happy with any non-flush straight for hi.
Look at our percentage here. We have 14%. What happens thou if we remove the flushdraw from one of our opponents? Then we boost up to 22% eq. Still not that great but that warrants a call. I am not sure about the amount of combos and this is strictly a guesstimate but chances that someone has a flushdraw of my three opponents would probably set our eq from the 14-22% down to perhaps 16-17%. We do have to consider that the pot is massive so I suggest a call and see what happens on turn.
Turn is a J and first I thought that this is where we definetly should have folded. Add in the likelyhood of a flushdraw and our eq changes between 9,4% to 12,5%. We are given quite substantial odds 13:1 saying we only need 7% eq to continue closing the action. We are thou drawing dead to either a T8 (extremly unlikely) and a 86o and we might have an awful situation on the river depending on what card will come. Say a 3 hits and a very likely A2o will just pump the pot for nutlow while a T8 or perhaps a 86 will jam the nuthigh and we might get sandwiched. That would be the good situation since we probably fold depending on who jams where but say A2xx and A2xx jams nutlow (perhaps with twopair etc) and we fold the winning high in a massive pot?
All things considered, it might have been a lot easier folding pre or folding on the flop. Sorry about the poor hand history format btw. It seems like the filters aint working and I cannot find the hand again to put it into a converter. Hm2 is a lot greater in that sense.
Grabbed by[url=http://www.holdemmanager.net] Holdem Manager[/url]
Limit Hi-Lo Omaha $5(BB) Replayer
[color=red]SB ($129)
Hero ($118)
[/color]UTG ($219)
[color=red]CO ($41.72)
BTN ($329)
[/color]Dealt to Hero 5:spade: 6:diamond: 6:club: 4:club:
fold, [color=red]CO raises to $10, BTN raises to $15, SB raises to $20, Hero calls $15, CO calls $10, BTN calls $5[/color]
FLOP ($80) 7:diamond: 9:heart: 5:heart:
[color=red]SB bets $5, Hero calls $5, CO calls $5, BTN calls $5[/color]
TURN ($100) 7:diamond: 9:heart: 5:heart: J:diamond:
[color=red]SB checks, Hero checks, CO bets $10, BTN calls $10, SB calls $10, Hero calls $10[/color]
RIVER ($140) [B]7:diamond: [/B][B]9:heart: [/B]5:heart: [B]J:diamond: [/B]4:spade:
[color=red]SB checks, Hero checks, CO checks, BTN checks[/color]
CO shows 3:heart: [B]5:club: [/B]A:diamond: 3:diamond:
(Pre 33%, Flop 35.4%, Turn 39.1%)
BTN shows [B]7:heart: [/B]K:spade: A:club: [B]J:club: [/B]
(Pre 21%, Flop 17.5%, Turn 26.6%)
SB shows Q:heart: [B]J:spade: [/B]A:spade: [B]4:heart: [/B]
(Pre 28%, Flop 32.6%, Turn 25.0%)
Hero shows [B]5:spade: [/B]6:diamond: 6:club: [B]4:club: [/B]
(Pre 18%, Flop 14.5%, Turn 9.4%)
CO wins $68.50
BTN wins $68.50
PS: I know it is not cool but i want to give a big FU to destroyalldr and h0nkidonki who are scums of the earth. Hope you die in hell and lose all your money and leave poker.
Update; Unfortunatly run like shit at higher stakes. Taken a shot at 10/20 and 15/30 these two days now and lost 1000$. Won 0% showdows at 15/30$ yesterday and 35.7% today, few hands thou (80) but sucks bigtime.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Officegrind and lull
I just keep running bad and hovering at around breakeven. I hope to get a bit more grind going, gonna play play less tables and do some videos in english I believe. Very frustrating to run this bad but what can you do. There is a pretty awesome festival in Guthenburg right now, I was actually very much considering using a dice as a decider whether or not to go. The thing is that there are a lot of pretty cool bands playing but not SUPER great and today was the first day and I decided to bail. The idea with the dice is kinda cool thou I think. Also, if I choose 5+6 on a 6sided dice then obviously I will not loose 1895 SEK but only 632 SEK, a large discount ;).
Ohh btw, today a single player won around 900$ from me of profit. I checked his stats and he has a nice wtsd of 53% and he have won 68% of showdowns vs me in 400 hands. Lost 530$ today btw. Gonna grind 2/4-5/10 the rest of the week.
PS: Lull was a word I looked up btw. I am hoping to be trilingual at the end of the year and even thou I can speak english freely, sometimes the limitations becomes clear. It do depend however on your desired level of "ornamental" language skills. You probably never have to say damsel, lull, etc but if you want to have a rich language then you would like too. Anyways, the confident of saying some stuff just isnt there at times. "Stilje" (lull in swedish) comes from basically boats and sailing and when there is stiltje there is a calm period when the water nor the wind doesnt move and basically nothing really happens. An easy substitute would be to choose to say something like "there has been a period of nothing really happening" etc. This idea of choosing what to say becomes extremly apparent now when I am learning spanish which I am not that good at. I can probably get understood now saying a lot of different stuff but since there is different types of bending etc that I always dont know, then I often have to choose a special way to phrase it so I can actualyl control it. Even thou this sentence would be correct, it is still limiting.
Ohh btw, today a single player won around 900$ from me of profit. I checked his stats and he has a nice wtsd of 53% and he have won 68% of showdowns vs me in 400 hands. Lost 530$ today btw. Gonna grind 2/4-5/10 the rest of the week.
PS: Lull was a word I looked up btw. I am hoping to be trilingual at the end of the year and even thou I can speak english freely, sometimes the limitations becomes clear. It do depend however on your desired level of "ornamental" language skills. You probably never have to say damsel, lull, etc but if you want to have a rich language then you would like too. Anyways, the confident of saying some stuff just isnt there at times. "Stilje" (lull in swedish) comes from basically boats and sailing and when there is stiltje there is a calm period when the water nor the wind doesnt move and basically nothing really happens. An easy substitute would be to choose to say something like "there has been a period of nothing really happening" etc. This idea of choosing what to say becomes extremly apparent now when I am learning spanish which I am not that good at. I can probably get understood now saying a lot of different stuff but since there is different types of bending etc that I always dont know, then I often have to choose a special way to phrase it so I can actualyl control it. Even thou this sentence would be correct, it is still limiting.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Baaah! Not a happy camper
Just finished another long session. Earlier today I lost 7 buyins (3 under EV) and then I gained it all back +400$ at FLSH. Then the runbad started again and I am finishing the day down 365$. Not much but my graph for the day looks like it dove from a cliff the last 30 min. Well well. Feels nice that I get like 300$ rakeback for the day so it is not too shabby.
Today I played great but maybe I had too many tables going. Gonna try to be a bit more strict on that and perhaps close down 1-2 tables when the session length hits like 90%. Btw, I noticed that the table manager DOES exist in HM2 but it is "hidden" in the active session-tab. Quite nice if you are playing a few tables and cannot decide which one to close down. Maybe the average vpip doesnt always show the worst table but it helps u choose one to close down.
Btw, PLO the last few days has not been great. I was so satisfied with the july result for PLO but sucks a bit to be down like 12 buyins in 2 days. Very standard but still, feels like there has been a bunch of setups. My natural looseness probably have gotten the best of me btw in PLO, I am trying to focus to play even more tight on the blinds. It feels wrong for me doing so but that is because I only fold like 35% of my hands on BB vs steal in FL so folding like 60% in omaha feels supertight.
Btw, today I played a hand and I am not sure if this is the way to play blockers or not :). Didnt work but I think it could be a decent spot, what do u think? Fancy play syndrome? Hmm
Cake Poker, $0.25/$0.50 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.
Hero (SB): $63.77 (127.5 bb)
BB: $111.60 (223.2 bb)
UTG: $90.02 (180 bb)
MP: $52.95 (105.9 bb)
CO: $22.99 (46 bb)
BTN: $57.71 (115.4 bb)
Preflop: Hero is SB with 8
3 folds, BTN raises to $1, Hero raises to $3.50, BB folds, BTN calls $2.50
Flop: ($7.50) 3
(2 players)
Hero bets $3.75, BTN calls $3.75
Turn: ($15) T
(2 players)
Hero checks, BTN bets $15, Hero raises to $56.52 and is all-in, BTN calls $35.46 and is all-in
River: ($115.92) 6
(2 players, 2 are all-in)
Results: $115.92 pot ($3.00 rake)
Final Board: 3
Hero showed 8
and lost (-$57.71 net)
BTN showed J
and won $112.92 ($55.21 net)
Today I played great but maybe I had too many tables going. Gonna try to be a bit more strict on that and perhaps close down 1-2 tables when the session length hits like 90%. Btw, I noticed that the table manager DOES exist in HM2 but it is "hidden" in the active session-tab. Quite nice if you are playing a few tables and cannot decide which one to close down. Maybe the average vpip doesnt always show the worst table but it helps u choose one to close down.
Btw, PLO the last few days has not been great. I was so satisfied with the july result for PLO but sucks a bit to be down like 12 buyins in 2 days. Very standard but still, feels like there has been a bunch of setups. My natural looseness probably have gotten the best of me btw in PLO, I am trying to focus to play even more tight on the blinds. It feels wrong for me doing so but that is because I only fold like 35% of my hands on BB vs steal in FL so folding like 60% in omaha feels supertight.
Btw, today I played a hand and I am not sure if this is the way to play blockers or not :). Didnt work but I think it could be a decent spot, what do u think? Fancy play syndrome? Hmm
Cake Poker, $0.25/$0.50 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 6 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.
Hero (SB): $63.77 (127.5 bb)
BB: $111.60 (223.2 bb)
UTG: $90.02 (180 bb)
MP: $52.95 (105.9 bb)
CO: $22.99 (46 bb)
BTN: $57.71 (115.4 bb)
Preflop: Hero is SB with 8
3 folds, BTN raises to $1, Hero raises to $3.50, BB folds, BTN calls $2.50
Flop: ($7.50) 3
Hero bets $3.75, BTN calls $3.75
Turn: ($15) T
Hero checks, BTN bets $15, Hero raises to $56.52 and is all-in, BTN calls $35.46 and is all-in
River: ($115.92) 6
Results: $115.92 pot ($3.00 rake)
Final Board: 3
Hero showed 8
BTN showed J
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